I want to begin by apologizing for not providing a November blog. Some health issues
came up that I had to use most of the month just to figure out what the {BLEEP} was
going on. More might be ahead, but I have things somewhat under control now. Thank
you for your patience and support!
2023 was a YEAR of great traveling and art but also great sadness. AND, to make
things more complicated, THE BEST art was in direct result of the great sadness. While
I loved discovering the Buffalo Museum of Art & adding it to one of my new happy
places, seeing a spectacular VanGogh exhibit at the Detroit Institute of Arts, and a
wonderful Dali exhibit at the Art Institute in Chicago, the absolute best most emotional
most out-of-body experience was spending around an hour sitting in front of Jackson
Pollock’s Mural at the Stanley Museum of Art in Iowa City, IA during Father’s Day
weekend. And, the entire reason I was able to be there, hopefully without sounding too
horrible, is because my father died on June 6 of this year. Please check out my blog and
video for more details.
I already have lots of ideas for blogs & travels for 2024! Blogs will of course include
museum exhibit visits (including back to the Art Institute for an exhibit of Pablo
Picasso’s drawings and back to the Stanley Museum of Art for a Keith Haring exhibit),
but some blog themes will be around partnerships, how the military helped save art,
AND…FOOD, which will be very interesting because I have the domestic skills of a
Please PLEASE consider being one of my patrons. Your support at any level help with
my travels and keeping me well-stocked in supplies. Thank you!