My art world in March was highlighted by two of the most famous talented complicated artists to have ever lived. One was at the beginning of the month, and one was at the end of the month. AND, both were from Spain! I’m talking about Salvador Dali & Pablo Picasso.
If you find yourself in my part of the world for the remainder of this year into early next year, the Indianapolis Museum of Art near my house is featuring a fantastic experience called Dali Alive. This exhibit brings a lot of Dali’s most famous works “to life.” This exhibit is large, loud, colorful, animated, and trippy! I’ve seen it only once so far but absolutely WILL RETURN more than once. Again, you have plenty of time to get there, and hopefully my pictures from my first time there will also inspire you to go.
My other Spaniard for this month is a bit more of a time crunch for you to be able to see; this exhibit closes at the end of the day on Monday, 8 April. Just the day before yesterday at the time of this writing, I went to one of my happiest places on Earth, the Art Institute of Chicago, to see Picasso: Drawing from Life. Largely from the Art Institute’s own collection, this exhibit features Pablo Picasso’s numerous drawings of family and friends in one place. You’ll get a wonderful up-close look at his talent and how that talent evolved and changed over the years. I advise getting to this exhibit as early as possible because there was a CROWD within an hour after the museum opened the other day. Here are some pictures of my time there.
Much can be said, has been said, and will be said about the personal lives and attitudes of Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso, but their contributions to the art world, history, and culture cannot be denied. So, please check out these opportunities if you get the chance!